Thursday, 30 September 2010

How exciting a brand new shiny blog to complete!! It reminds me of the excitement of getting a new exercise book at school.
I'm hoping that by having an outlet for my baking and making I can unclutter my brain and get some organisation into all the things I want to make. I have a love of making that extends beyond the kitchen and although I'm very much a beginner I am enjoying learning to sew, make jewellery and soon I'm having a go at candlemaking too. So as a novice crafter I hope to share a few ideas and tips along the way.

This is my first attempt at blogging and it's already a hive of activitiy in my kitchen.
I have a chilli simmering away in the slow cooker, a banana cake in the oven and an elderberry jelly dripping from a jelly bag which is hung on a cupboard door!
Luckily my little boy is far too tired to play this afternoon after a lovely Autumn "welly" walk in the park this morning. So whilst he's tucked up on the sofa with Shrek I can busy myself in the kitchen.

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