Thursday 2 December 2010


 Monday saw the soaking of the fruit for the Christmas Pudding, it smelt delicious sitting soaking in brandy overnight.
I used the recipe from the Nigella's Christmas book as we'd tried it out last year. Her recipe recommends using a certain type of sherry to soak the fruit in, I opted for brandy instead.
The next day all the ingredients were combined into the bowl, giving them a good stir.
Unfortunately the other members of the house were out so they didn't get a wish as they stirred this year!
Then the mixture goes into pudding basins and wrapped in foil (just incase of a lid poping incident!) and put in a pan of boiling water for 5 hours!!!

Yes my house did resemble a sauna by the end of the day and I had condensation dripping from every window. I'm sure it'll be worth it on Christmas day (although I'm not looking forward to another 3 hours of it steaming!).

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