Monday, 26 March 2012


My son who is coming up to 5 months has been suffering already with his teeth so I wanted to make some bibs to save the constant change of clothes we've been having. Unfortunately the two I made only last a few hours so I'll have to get back on the sewing machine to whip up some more. 
The pattern for these was from and there are also good instructions to follow.
The hardest part of this was turning the bib the right way round after sewing it.

You can opt for press studs or velcro fastenings for the bib. I wanted to get a tool for the press studs so that I could use it for other projects. My dad very kindly got one for me so I've got plenty of things to have a go at now!

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful phase for a kid and his parents. Everything has its own value and memory including the eating time which is very difficult to feed your child so we put bib in his mouth which lead to many germs. Haha Bibs Denmark are they safest for your child.
